Tank Notes

Shadowmoon Burial Grounds


  • equinox's dungeon walkthrough: youtube
  • trell's dungeon walkthrough: youtube

Talent Consideration

  • a lot of kicks/stops
  • poison removal


Shadowmoon Bone-Mender

  • kick Shadow Bolt
  • kick Shadow Mend: heals itself

Reanimated Ritual Bones

  • Void Slash: stackable dot on tank (only one cast at the same time)
  • on death: put dot on random target

Void Spawn

  • Void Pulse: heavy aoe group damage; can be los'ed
  • Void Eruption: aoe damage channeling ability and puts swirlies on the ground

Shadowmoon Loyalist

  • kick Shadow Bolt
  • instantly buffs himself with doubles attack speed; dispelable

Defiled Spirit

  • white damage

Corpse Skitterling

  • white damage

Subjugated Soul

  • white damage

Shadowmoon Enslaver

  • kick Void Bolt
  • kick/stop Rending Voidlash: heavy magic damage (high priority)

Shadowmoon Dominators

-- in general you don't want to kick/stop if they are already casting Domination if possible

Shadowmoon Exhumer

  • can't be silenced
  • kick Void Bolt

Exhumed Spirit

  • kick/stop Death Blast: heavy single target spell (high priority)
  • white damage

Monstrous Corpse Spider

  • kick Death Venom: heavy dot (high priority)
  • Necrotic Burst: aoe magic damage (high priority)

Plagued Bat

  • kick Plague Spit: heavy aoe stackable dot (high priority)

Carrion Worm

  • Fetid Spit: tank hit
  • Body Slam: knockback into water

Sadana Bloodfury

  • Whispers of the Dark Star: aoe pulse damage
  • Dark Communion: summons Defiled Spirit; can be cc'ed (high priority)
  • Dark Eclipse: stand into 'runes' to get immunity buff


  • Void Blast: frontal cone on tank, heavy damage
  • Planar Shift: teleports to different position
  • Void Vortex: damage if you stand in the circle
  • Realm: kill Possessed Soul to go back to boss; you get 40% damage buff after reentering
  • avoid Void Devastation: swirlies on the ground


  • Fetid Spit: tank hit
  • Corpse Breath: aoe damage on platform
  • Inhale: stand in grey puddles on the ground, move away before his cast finishes
  • summons two Carrion Worms with their normal set of abilities


  • avoid Malevolence: frontal cone on random player; you deal 50% less damage if you get hit
  • casts Omen of Death on ranged player; Runes on the ground that do proximity damage
  • Ritual of Bones: produces wall of minions, applies heavy dot if you cross the line; kill one fast (high priority); dot disappears as soon as wall ends