Tank Notes

Ruby Life Pools


  • trell's dungeon walkthrough: youtube

Talent Considerations

  • heavy magic damage
  • a lot of kicks/stops


Primal Juggernaut

  • avoid Excavating Blast; leaves area effect on the ground that continues to deal a lot of damage

Flashfrost Earthshaper

  • stop Tectonic Slam


  • kick Ice Shield, which makes targeted enemy immune to stop/kick (can be purged)
  • kick Ice Bolt on higher keys

Infused Welps

  • Cold Claws slowing debuff, stuns target after 8 stacks;
  • can be dispeled or removed by Blessing of Freedom/Tiger's Lust etc.

Defier Draghar

  • dodge Blazing Rush; use defensives for Steel Barrage and dodge circles


  • Storm Breath cone frontal; Thunder Jaw tank hit with huge knockback (heavy physical and magic damage)
  • Rolling Thunder debuff to 2 players, heavy group damage on dispel/expire

Primalist Cinderweaver

  • kick Cinderbolt; purge Burning Ambition cast speed and damage buff for enemies

Primalist Flamedancer

  • stop Flamedance; Blaze of Glory on death, avoid circles

Blazebound Destroyer

  • Inferno aoe group damage, not kickable
  • Living Bomb debuff on player, knocks them and everyone in the circle into the air
  • avoid Burnout on death


  • Flame Breath cone frontal
  • Fire Maw tank hit (heavy magic damage)
  • after 50% HP stacking buff on mob that does AoE group damage until it dies

Storm Warrior

  • cast Thunder Clap around them

Tempest Channeler

  • kick Thunder Bolt; Lightning Storm heavy aoe group damage

Flame Channeler

  • kick Flashfire

High Channeler Ryvall

  • kick Shock Blast dispelable debuff on random target
  • Lightning Storm heavy aoe group damage
  • Tempest Storms channel until shield breaks, group wipe if channel finishes

Melidrussa Chillworn

  • taunt her off the center at pull
  • Chillstorm: pulses group AoE damage for a few ticks and then explodes for a last time for more damage
  • Awaken Welps: summons Welps at 70%/40% HP that cast Cold Claws (see trash) from the opposite quadrant of the room; casts twice per fight; have stuns/silences ready
  • Frost Overload: kick after her shield is damaged down

Kokia Blazehoof

  • summons a Blazebound Firestorm with Ritual of Blazebinding at ranged players
  • Blazebound Firestorm: kick Roaring Blaze; avoid Burnout on death; uninterruptable Inferno AoE group damage
  • Searing Blows stacking (up to 4) heavy magic dot on tank
  • dodge Molten Boulder

Kyrakka and Erkhart Stormvein

  • Kyrakka is priority target
  • try to position Erkhart on Kyrakka for cleave damage
  • Stormslam nasty magic damage tank hit with stacking debuff that increases damage of next Stormslam, needs to be dispeled
  • Interrupting Cloudburst: aoe interrupt whole group
  • Winds of Change: moves puddles around in random direction
  • at 50% HP: Erkhart mounts Kyrakka, everyone in the party gets Flamespit debuff now; all mechanics continue
  • Kyrakka: Flamespit debuff onto players that leaves puddles on the ground on expire, if you step into them you get another debuff; Roaring Firebreath cone frontal