Tank Notes

The Nokhud Offensive


  • trell's dungeon walkthrough: youtube

Talent Consideration

  • mob repositions (ring of peace, mass grips)
  • purge


Nokhud Warspear

  • Shoot at random group member
  • stacking bleed dot on tank
  • leap to range player and apply bleed dot

Nokhud Longbow

  • center pulls around these; they don't move
  • Shoot at random group member
  • avoid Frontal??: frontal cone on tank
  • avoid Rain of Arrows: swirlies on the ground
  • Multishot: ??

Nokhud Beastmaster

  • Hunters Mark: mark group member (high priority)
  • Hunt Prey: sends War Ohuna (bird) to marked player; deals tripple damage with debuff

Nokhud Lancemaster

  • lieutenant mob
  • watch out for auto attack Cleave buff
  • avoid/stop War Stomp: aoe damage
  • kick Disruptive Shout (high priority)
  • kick/stop Rally the Clan: 50% damage buff to nearby allies (high priority)

Nokhud Plainstomper

  • lieutenant mob
  • watch out for auto attack Cleave buff
  • avoid/stop War Stomp: aoe damage
  • kick/stop Rally the Clan: 50% damage buff to nearby allies (high priority)

Nokhud Hornsounder

  • kick/stop Rally the Clan: 50% damage buff to nearby allies (high priority)

Primalist Arcblade

  • Arcing Strike: cleaves to anybody in a range of 6 yards

Unstable Squall

  • first target
  • can be banished (disappears when Primalist Stormspeaker dies)
  • chain casts Surge: heavy magic damage on random group member
  • aoe damage on death

Primalist Stormspeaker

  • second target, highest kick priority
  • summons Squall again, if it died
  • kick/stop Tempest: heavy group dot and aoe damage (high priority)
  • kick/stop Storm Bolt: heavy magic damage on random group member (high priority)

Stormsurge Totem

  • third target
  • creates puddle on death

Stormcaller Zarii, Boroo, Arynga, Solongo

  • kick/stop Storm Bolt: heavy magic damage on random group member
  • Totemic Overload: makes Stormsurge Totem explode in aoe damage; spawns orbs that give damage buff to players

Primalist Stormshield

  • Stormshield: shield that deals aoe damage if not purged or damaged through

Primalist Thunderkodo(??)

  • kick Thundering Strike
  • avoid Thunder Clap: aoe damage around him
  • Chain Lightning: cast on random group member; needs to be 10 yards away from everyone else, so it doesn't jump

Desecrated Ohuna

  • avoid Rotting Wind: frontal cone

Desecrated Bakar

  • summoned by Beastcaller
  • white damage

Ukhel Corrupter

  • cast Death Bolt on tank
  • avoid channeled Orbs

Risen Mystic

  • Swift Wind: buffs himself and allys with 20% haste (low priority)

Risen Warrior

  • Mortal Strike on tank, 30% healing reduction for 10sec

Ukhel Deathspeaker

  • stop Grasp of the Dead: heavy aoe damage (high priority)

Ukhel Beastcaller

  • Heavy Slash: physical tank hit
  • kick Desecrating Roar ??
  • ??: summons 3 Bakar
  • stop Devour Spirit: consumes a beast to get damage buff

Soulharvester Galtmaa, Turmen, Duuren, Mundakh

  • Shatter Souls: aoe damage and dps/healer have to collect their souls
  • kick Death Ball Volley: group aoe damage (high priority)

Nokhud Defender

  • Cleave
  • kick Bloodletting Shout: heavy aoe damage
  • avoid War Stomp: aoe damage around mob


  • avoid Ravaging Spear: swirly on ground
  • avoid Vehement Charge: heavy damage; one-shots


  • kick Bloodletting Shout: heavy aoe damage
  • avoid Broad Stomp: frontal cone


  • don't let Nokhud Saboteurs disable the ballistas!
  • Shards of Stone: group damage
  • avoid Tectonic Stomp: big circle around boss
  • Eruption: use the active ballista to interrupt
  • ballista shot: deals 5% boss HP and stuns him

The Raging Tempest

  • stand melee range or it will start casting ranged heavy magic damage spell
  • spawns damage/healing buff orbs; stackable
  • Energy Surge: selfbuff 100% attack speed and nature damage proc on every melee hit; purgable (high priority)
  • Lightning Strike: puts circle on group member, heavy damage on expire; stand away from each other; clears all orbs from area
  • Electrical Storm: heavy group aoe damage

Teera & Maruuk

  • tank on Teera; doesn't move much
  • they get 10% damage buff for every second they stand apart
  • Teera
    • Quick Shot: single target damage on random group member
    • Spirit Leap: leaps to marked area
    • kick Repel: knockback
    • avoid Gale Arrow: spawns tornadoes
  • Maruuk
    • avoid Frightening Roar: aoe fear; leave circle in the direction Teera is facing
    • Brutalize physical tank hit; can't be outranged; use DR
    • avoid Pathsplitter swirlies on ground, that continue to deal damage after impact

Balakar Khan

  • Rending Strike tank hit, use DR
  • Savage Strike tank hit, use DR
  • Static Spear / Iron Spear: single target damage; targets random group member; (static) grips all players and then charges forward
  • Upheaval: damage circle on everyone; move away from each other
  • Siphon Power intermission: channels until spawned Nokhud Stormcaster die
  • assign initial kicks on Stormcasters to reposition them; can be cc'ed
  • Conductive Strike: damage and debuff on tank; needs to be dispeled;
  • Thunder Strike: heavy single target tank hit; deals 500% more damage if you have Conductive Strike debuff on you
  • Crackling Upheaval: damage circles on player and frontal cone; drop circles away from main area; leave puddles on expiration