Tank Notes

Temple of the Jade Serpent


  • equinox's dungeon walkthrough: youtube


Fallen Waterspeaker

  • kick Hydrolance: single target magic damage
  • stop/kick Hydroburst: heavy aoe damage (high priority)

Corrupt Droplet

  • kick/stop Splash: aoe damage (low priority)

Corrupt Living Water

  • all spells can be line of sight'ed
  • avoid Surging Deluge: swirly on the ground
  • Tainted Ripple: heavy aoe damage

Haunting Sha

  • kick Haunting Scream: fears target
  • (fervent) Haunting Gaze: tank hit

Jiang & Xiang

  • Throw Torch: stackable heavy dot

Lesser Sha

  • explode on death; cc before death prevents damage

The Talking Fish

  • Splash: aoe damage (?)
  • kick Arid Story Motivating Rest: sleep on tank

The Songbird Queen

  • Vicious Peck: tank hit with bleed
  • kick Territorial Display: channeling aoe pulse damage

The Golden Beetle

  • Staggering Blow: heavy tank hit that reduces max HP
  • Golden Barrier: shield that explodes when removed

Nodding Tiger

  • Dash: applies bleed on target
  • below 50% HP > kick Cat Nap: self-heal

The Crybaby Hozen

  • avoid swirlies
  • kick Fit of Rage: enrage

Depraved Mistweaver

  • kick/stop Defiling Mist: heavy damage, targets players/pets (high priority, 3 person kick rotation)
  • Touch of Ruin: healing absord on target; can be outhealed/decursed

Sha Touched Guardian

  • avoid Leg Sweep: aoe stun
  • (fervent) Rising Sun Kick: tank hit, reduces healing received

Minion of Doubt

  • (fervent) Dark Claw: heavy tank hit
  • avoid Shattered Resolve: damaging circle on ground

Wise Mari

  • kick Hydrolance: single target magic damage (3 melee kick rotation)
  • Wash Away: targets random player and starts casting frontal and rotate (both directions)
  • periodically 'lights' up water followed by explosion
  • targets random non-tank player with debuff, which has to be dropped away from group (outer ring)

Peril & Strife

  • Agony: magic damage on random target
  • if you ignore one boss it gets Dissipation: decrease damage done
  • if you attack a boss it gets Intensity: increase damage done
  • 10 stacks of Intensity makes them immune to damage until its drops (by ignoring it)
  • switch at 6 stacks of Intensity; single target and cleave is ok, full aoe not recommended

Liu Flameheart

  • Serpent Strike: aoe damage
  • Serpent Kick: dispelable magic dot; can be disjointed by moving away from Liu right after the Strike
  • damaging Waves
  • rotation: Strike -> Kick -> Waves
  • at 70% HP transitions into Jade Essence phase; Kick and Strike do a lot more damage
  • third phase: turns into Yu'lon
  • avoid Jade Fire Breath: huge cone frontal
  • avoid Jade Fires: swirlies on the ground

Sha of Doubt

  • first phase: puts out dispelable dots and pulses aoe damage
  • Bounds of Reality: spawns illusions of players; spawn behind player -> stack to wall to group them