Tank Notes

Halls of Valor


  • trell's dungeon walkthrough: youtube

Talent Considerations

  • heavy bleed damage
  • kiting & some heavy movement
  • repositioning


Valarjar Champion

  • cast Rending Strike (bleed) in short range frontal
  • can kite them to avoid getting hit by Rending Strike

Valarjar Thundercaller

  • kick Thunderous Bolt (casts onto everyone)

Storm Drake

  • casts frontal Lightning Breath at tank
  • aim away from group

Stormforged Sentinel

  • has 'inspiring' aura

Valarjar Mystic

  • kick Holy Radiance; kick Rune of Healing or just move mobs out; heals everyone inside

Valarjar Marksman

  • pull it to a safe LOS position; pull other trash on top of this mob

Valarjar Shieldmaiden

  • casts Breach Armor reduces armor; Mortal Hew
  • reduces healing taken; both are short range frontal that can be kited (micro-kite)

Valarjar Purifier

  • kick Cleansing Flame

Valarjar Aspirant

  • Valkyra's Advance on random player, can be disjointed (eg: blink)
  • Blast of Light huge frontal on random player (one-shots)

Solsten & Olmyr

  • Can be pulled together, but you have to desync their abilities
  • pull Olmyr after Solsten begins casting Eye of the Storm
  • dodge Solstens Sanctify projectiles
  • kick Solstens Searing Light

Valarjar Runecarver

  • kick Etch and Shattered Rune

Angerhoof Bull

  • avoid Rumbling Stomp

Ebonclaw Worg

  • they get a damage buff if they are grouped together (20% per worg)


  • pick up the beer right before crossing the bridge and use it on King Ranulf
  • activate this mini-boss first and then pull it to the 'drunk' King Ranulf
  • after they finished fighting each other, you can active King Ranulf; after that you can stagger the activations
  • kick Unruly Yell, CC Honored Ancestors


  • start tanking him in the middle of platform (3 areas: exit, middle, entrance)
  • after Horn of Valor: look out for dragons' breath, move to that area after breath, then back into middle again
  • casts Bloodletting Sweep, frontal cone, position away from group (can be dodged or parried)


  • start pull on left side (pov from entrance)
  • depending on which side she stands, she gets buff from the dead Solsten and Olmyr
  • use cooldown on Shield of Light, position away from group, unavoidable; usually position yourself to be blasted to the other side; if you want to stay (confident group can survive another Eye of the Storm), position yourself to the wall


  • Unnerving Howl interrupts your casts
  • Claw Frenzy is an instant attack that does AoE damage spread to everyone in range (group soak)
  • Ravenous Leap can be disjointed
  • second phase: Unnerving Howl now spawns worgs

God-King Skovald

  • healer/tank picks up Aegis; use it immediately just after he finished casting Ragnarok; you have to pick it up again after Skovald used it
  • Savage Blade tank mechanic


  • battle-rez doesn't work on this fight
  • spawned Stormforged Obliterator must be kicked (ranged dps) and focused down
  • move out of Radiant Tempest (one-shot)
  • run to corresponding rune